Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Teenager Speaks: (1977)

Violets Are For Everyone

Carol Ann Miderski

Several years back my parents started raising African Violets. At first it was just a hobby but it gradually grew into a small business. Originally I couldn't understand their enthusiasm over what I considered to be "JUST A BUNCH OF PLANTS." Slowly but surely it must have rubbed off on me because I began to enjoy working in the plant house. I grew to love watching the little green sprouts in the soil grow into big, healthy, blooming plants. As I gained interest I graduated from pot washer, to divider, to helper, to experimenter until finally I had a hand in just about everything. For instance, I have just recently tried my hand at hybridizing and I am eagerly waiting to see what kind of results I get. Now, at age 15, I think I love working with the violets as much as my parents do. I guess you could say they've grown on me.

I went to the St. Louis AVSA Convention with my mother and we attended many of the workshops. I also attended the judging school and took the test. I felt that even if I didn't pass, it would be a good experience. Well to my surprise I did pass. But that's not the point. The point is that violets are for everyone, young and old, male and female. The problem is that most people do not realize how wide and interesting the field of violet growing is. It encompasses much more than first meets the eye. With African Violets there is always something new to learn and something different to try. It allows you to use your imagination. I believe that if more young people are convinced that African Violets are fun because they are easy to gro, that I will see many more of my generation at the next convention.

November, 1977 AVM

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